
















From around the age of six, I had the habit of sketching from life. I became an artist, and from fifty on began producing works that won some reputation, but nothing I did before the age of seventy was worthy of attention. At seventy-three, I began to grasp the structures of birds and beasts, insects and fish, and of the way plants grow. If I go on trying, I will surely understand them still better by the time I am eighty-six, so that by ninety I will have penetrated to their essential nature. At one hundred, I may well have a positively divine understanding of them, while at one hundred and thirty, forty, or more I will have reached the stage where every dot and every stroke I paint will be alive. May Heaven, that grants long life, give me the chance to prove that this is no lie.


Jon Rafman






Gerhard Richter





Arnold Böcklin



Peter Callesen











Carinhoso (Pixinguinha/João de Barro)

Meu coração, não sei por quê
Bate feliz quando te vê
E os meus olhos ficam sorrindo
E pelas ruas vão te seguindo
Mas mesmo assim
Foges de mim

Ah se tu soubesses como sou tão carinhoso
E o muito, muito que te quero
E como é sincero o meu amor
Eu sei que tu não fugirias mais de mim

Vem, vem, vem, vem
Vem sentir o calor dos lábios meus a procura dos teus
Vem matar essa paixão que me devora o coração
E só assim então serei feliz
Bem feliz

Ah se tu soubesses como sou tão carinhoso
E o muito, muito que te quero
E como é sincero o meu amor
Eu sei que tu não fugirias mais de mim

Vem, vem, vem, vem
Vem sentir o calor dos lábios meus a procura dos teus
Vem matar essa paixão que me devora o coração
E só assim então serei feliz
Bem feliz

Chico Buarque

O Meu Amor

O meu amor tem um jeito manso que é só seu
E que me deixa louca quando me beija a boca
A minha pele toda fica arrepiada
E me beija com calma e fundo
Até minh'alma se sentir beijada, aiiiiiii...

O meu amor tem um jeito manso que é só seu
Que rouba os meus sentidos, viola os meus ouvidos
Com tantos segredos lindos e indecentes
Depois brinca comigo, ri do meu umbigo
E me crava os dentes, aiiiiiii...

Eu sou sua menina, viu? E ele é o meu rapaz
Meu corpo é testemunha do bem que ele me faz

O meu amor tem um jeito manso que é só seu
Que me deixa maluca, quando me roça a nuca
E quase me machuca com a barba mal feita
E de pousar as coxas entre as minhas coxas
Quando ele se deita, aiiiiiii...

O meu amor tem um jeito manso que é só seu
De me fazer rodeios, de me beijar os seios
Me beijar o ventre e me deixar em brasa
Desfruta do meu corpo como se o meu corpo
Fosse a sua casa, aiiiiiii...

Eu sou sua menina, viu? E ele é o meu rapaz
Meu corpo é testemunha do bem que ele me faz




O Que Será (À Flor da Pele)


O que será que será
Que andam suspirando pelas alcovas
Que andam sussurando em versos e trovas
Que andam combinando no breu das tocas
Que anda nas cabeças, anda nas bocas
Que andam acendendo velas nos becos
Que estão falando alto pelos botecos
Que gritam nos mercados, que com certeza
Está na natureza, será que será
O que não tem certeza, nem nunca terá
O que não tem conserto, nem nunca terá
O que não tem tamanho
O que será que será
Que vive nas idéias desses amantes
Que cantam os poetas mais delirantes
Que juram os profetas embriagados
Que está na romaria dos mutilados
Que está na fantasia dos infelizes
Que está no dia a dia das meretrizes
No plano dos bandidos, dos desvalidos
Em todos os sentidos, será que será
O que não tem decência, nem nunca terá
O que não tem censura, nem nunca terá
O que não faz sentido
O que será que será
Que todos os avisos não vão evitar
Porque todos os risos vão desafiar
Porque todos os sinos irão repicar
Porque todos os hinos irão consagrar
E todos os meninos vão desembestar
E todos os destinos irão se encontrar
E o mesmo Padre Eterno que nunca foi lá
Olhando aquele inferno, vai abençoar
O que não tem governo, nem nunca terá
O que não tem vergonha nem nunca terá
O que não tem juízo
O que será que me dá
Que me bole por dentro, será que me dá
Que brota à flor da pele, será que me dá
E que me sobe às faces e me faz corar
E que me salta aos olhos a me atraiçoar
E que me aperta o peito e me faz confessar
O que não tem mais jeito de dissimular
E que nem é direito ninguém recusar
E que me faz mendigo, me faz suplicar
O que não tem medida, nem nunca terá
O que não tem remédio, nem nunca terá
O que não tem receita
O que será que será
Que dá dentro da gente e que não devia
Que desacata a gente, que é revelia
Que é feito uma aguardente que não sacia
Que é feito estar doente de uma folia
Que nem dez mandamentos vão conciliar
Nem todos os unguentos vão aliviar
Nem todos os quebrantos, toda alquimia
Que nem todos os santos, será que será
O que não tem descanso, nem nunca terá
O que não tem cansaço, nem nunca terá
O que não tem limite
O que será que me dá
Que me queima por dentro, será que me dá
Que me perturba o sono, será que me dá
Que todos os tremores que vêm agitar
Que todos os ardores me vêm atiçar
Que todos os suores me vêm encharcar
que todos os meus nervos estão a rogar
Que todos os meus órgãos estão a clamar
E uma aflição medonha me faz implorar
O que não tem vergonha, nem nunca terá
O que não tem governo, nem nunca terá
O que não tem juízo


(gracias Pedro)




During Brazil's military coup d'état of 1964, Buarque wrote about the events which transpired and avoided censorship by using cryptic analogies and wordplay. For example, in the song "Cálice" ("Chalice", or Jesus' Last Supper "Cup") he takes advantage of the homophony between the Portuguese imperative "shut your mouth" --cale-se-- and "chalice" --cálice-- to protest censorship against freedom of speech by the dictatorship, disguised as the Gospel narrative of Jesus' Gethsemani prayer to the Father to pass from Him the chalice of bloody death probation:

Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
De vinho tinto de sangue.
Como beber dessa bebida amarga
Tragar a dor, engolir a labuta.
Mesmo calada a boca, resta o peito
Silêncio na cidade não se escuta.
De que me vale ser filho da santa
Melhor seria ser filho da outra
Outra realidade menos morta
Tanta mentira, tanta força bruta.

Como é difícil acordar calado
Se na calada da noite eu me dano
Quero lançar um grito desumano
Que é uma maneira de ser escutado
Esse silêncio todo me atordoa
Atordoado eu permaneço atento
Na arquibancada pra qualquer momento
Ver emergir o monstro da lagoa

De muito gorda a porca já não anda
De muito usada a faca já não corta
Como é difícil, pai, abrir a porta
Essa palavra presa na garganta
Esse pileque homérico no mundo
De que adianta ter boa vontade
Mesmo calado o peito, resta a cuca
Dos bêbados do centro da cidade

Talvez o mundo não seja pequeno
Nem seja a vida um fato consumado
Quero inventar o meu próprio pecado
Quero morrer do meu próprio veneno
Quero perder de vez tua cabeça
Minha cabeça perder teu juízo
Quero cheirar fumaça de óleo diesel
Me embriagar até que alguém me esqueça


Tanto Mar


Foi bonita a festa, pá
fiquei contente
'inda guardo renitente, um velho cravo para mim

Já murcharam tua festa, pá
mas, certamente
esqueceram uma semente nalgum canto de jardim

Sei que há leguas a nos separar
tanto mar, tanto mar
Sei também como é preciso, pá
navegar, navegar

Canta a Primavera, pá
cá estou carente
manda novamente algum cheirinho de alecrim

Sei que está em festa, pá
Fico contente
E enquanto estou ausente
Guarda um cravo para mim
Eu queria estar na festa, pá
Com a tua gente
E colher pessoalmente
Uma flor no teu jardim

Sei que há léguas a nos separar
Tanto mar, tanto mar
Sei, também, que é preciso, pá
Navegar, navegar
Lá faz primavera, pá
Cá estou doente
Manda urgentemente
Algum cheirinho de alecrim

Foi bonita a festa, pá
Fiquei contente
Ainda guardo renitente
Um velho cravo para mim
Já murcharam tua festa, pá
Mas certamente
Esqueceram uma semente
Nalgum canto de jardim

Sei que há léguas a nos separar
Tanto mar, tanto mar
Sei, também, quanto é preciso, pá
Navegar, navegar
Canta primavera, pá
Cá estou carente
Manda novamente
Algum cheirinho de alecrim







Fado Tropical:









Meu coração, não sei por quê
Bate feliz quando te vê
E os meus olhos ficam sorrindo
E pelas ruas vão te seguindo
Mas mesmo assim
Foges de mim

Ah se tu soubesses como sou tão carinhoso
E o muito, muito que te quero
E como é sincero o meu amor
Eu sei que tu não fugirias mais de mim

Vem, vem, vem, vem
Vem sentir o calor dos lábios meus a procura dos teus
Vem matar essa paixão que me devora o coração
E só assim então serei feliz
Bem feliz

Ah se tu soubesses como sou tão carinhoso
E o muito, muito que te quero
E como é sincero o meu amor
Eu sei que tu não fugirias mais de mim

Vem, vem, vem, vem
Vem sentir o calor dos lábios meus a procura dos teus
Vem matar essa paixão que me devora o coração
E só assim então serei feliz
Bem feliz






Aquele Querido Mes De Agosto


Podem-me oferecer tesouros
Mares de prata
Rios de ouro
Em troca do teu amor

Podem-me fazer rainha
E ter a terra toda minha
Que eu não quero não senhor

Podem-me oferecer o mundo
E até ser dona de tudo
Em troca do teu amor

Podem dar-me diamantes
E os reinos mais distantes
Que eu não quero não senhor

Quero-te a tiiiiiii
E sem ti nada me interessa
De que servia afinal
As riquezas sem igual
Sem as dividir contigo

Quero-te a tiiiiiii
E por mais que alguém me ofereça
Eu a nada dou valor
Se não tiver o teu amor
Se não te tiver comigo

Podem dar-me o firmamento
E o dom de mandar no tempo
Em troca do teu amor

Podem-me chamar princesa
Tratar-me por alteza
Que eu não quero não senhor

Podem-me oferecer o mundo
E até ser dono de tudo
Em troca do teu amor

Podem dar-me diamantes
E os reinos mais distantes
Que eu não quero não senhor

Quero-te a tiiiiiii
E sem ti nada me interessa
De que servia afinal
As riquezas sem igual
Sem as dividir contigo

Quero-te a tiiiiiii
E por mais que alguém me ofereça
Eu a nada dou valor
Se não tiver o teu amor
Se não te tiver comigo

(by Broa de Mel, half-sang in the movie at around 01:18:20)



Miranda July

"I want to be swept off my feet, you know?
I want my children to have magical powers.
I am prepared for amazing things to happen - I can handle it!"

"Me and You and Everyone We Know" (thanks N.)


Alphonsus de Guimaraens

Quando Ismália enlouqueceu,
Pôs-se na torre a sonhar...
Viu uma lua no céu,
Viu outra lua no mar.

No sonho em que se perdeu,
Banhou-se toda em luar...
Queria subir ao céu,
Queria descer ao mar...

E, no desvario seu,
Na torre pôs-se a cantar...
Estava perto do céu,
Estava longe do mar...

E como um anjo pendeu
As asas para voar...
Queria a lua do céu,
Queria a lua do mar...

As asas que Deus lhe deu
Ruflaram de par em par...
Sua alma subiu ao céu,
Seu corpo desceu ao mar




May you live in interesting times

May you live in interesting times, often referred to euphemistically as the Chinese curse, is reputed to be the English translation of an ancient Chinese proverb and curse, although it may have originated among the English themselves (or Americans). It is reported that it was the first of three curses of increasing severity, the other two being:
- May you come to the attention of those in authority (sometimes rendered May the government be aware of you)
- May you find what you are looking for


James Tiptree Jr.

(...) and in her moments of deepest depression found solace in gazing at the stars. “There must be other races out there,” she wrote in a letter to Ting in the mid 1950’s, “watching our tiny yellow sun glimmering in their unknown field of the sky. Do they desire us as we desire them?”

Love is the Plan The Plan is Death:



Herman Melville

"Oh! How immaterial are all materials!" -- Ahab, in Melville’s Moby Dick


In Defense of the Poor Image


"The poor image is a copy in motion. Its quality is bad, its resolution substandard. As it accelerates, it deteriorates. It is a ghost of an image, a preview, a thumbnail, an errant idea, an itinerant image distributed for free, squeezed through slow digital connections, compressed, reproduced, ripped, remixed, as well as copied and pasted into other channels of distribution.

The poor image is a rag or a rip; an AVI or a JPEG, a lumpen proletarian in the class society of appearances, ranked and valued according to its resolution. The poor image has been uploaded, downloaded, shared, reformatted, and reedited. It transforms quality into accessibility, exhibition value into cult value, films into clips, contemplation into distraction. The image is liberated from the vaults of cinemas and archives and thrust into digital uncertainty, at the expense of its own substance. The poor image tends towards abstraction: it is a visual idea in its very becoming.

The poor image is an illicit fifth-generation bastard of an original image. Its genealogy is dubious. Its filenames are deliberately misspelled. It often defies patrimony, national culture, or indeed copyright. It is passed on as a lure, a decoy, an index, or as a reminder of its former visual self. It mocks the promises of digital technology. Not only is it often degraded to the point of being just a hurried blur, one even doubts whether it could be called an image at all. Only digital technology could produce such a dilapidated image in the first place.

Poor images are the contemporary Wretched of the Screen, the debris of audiovisual production, the trash that washes up on the digital economies’ shores. They testify to the violent dislocation, transferrals, and displacement of images—their acceleration and circulation within the vicious cycles of audiovisual capitalism. Poor images are dragged around the globe as commodities or their effigies, as gifts or as bounty. They spread pleasure or death threats, conspiracy theories or bootlegs, resistance or stultification. Poor images show the rare, the obvious, and the unbelievable—that is, if we can still manage to decipher it.

Mark Grotjahn






Jason Rhoades






West African Ritual Costumes


Hagakure: The Way of the Samurai


To hate injustice and stand on righteousness is a difficult thing. Furthermore, to think that being righteous is the best one can do and to do one's utmost to be righteous will, on the contrary, bring many mistakes. The Way is in a higher place then righteousness. This is very difficult to discover, but it is the highest wisdom. When seen from this standpoint, things like righteousness are rather shallow. If one does not understand this on his own, it cannot be known.

Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall there was this one: ''Matters of' great concern should be treated lightly.'' Master lttei commented, "Matters of small concern should be treated seriously." Among one's affairs there should not be more than two or three matters of what one could call great concern. If these are deliberated upon during ordinary times, they can be understood. Thinking about things previously and then handling them lightly when the time comes is what this is all about. To face an event anew solve it lightly is difficult if you are not resolved beforehand, and there will always be uncertainty in hitting your mark. However, if the foundation is laid previously, you can think of the saying, "Matters of great concern should be treated lightly," as your own basis for action.

At the time when there was a council concerning the promotion of a certain man, the council members were at the point of deciding that promotion was useless because of the fact that the man had previously been involved in a drunken brawl. But someone said, "If we were to cast aside every man who had made a mistake once, useful men could probably not be come by. A man who makes a mistake once will be considerably more prudent and useful because of his repentance. I feet that he should be promoted.''

Someone else then asked, "Will you ;guarantee him?" The man replied, "Of course I will."

The others asked, "By what will you guarantee him?"

And he replied, "I can guarentee him by the fact that he is a man who has erred once. A man who bas never once erred is dangerous." This said, the man was promoted.

Human life is truly a short affair. It is better to live doing the things that you like. It is foolish to live within this dream of a world seeing unpleasantness and doing only things that you do not like. But it is important never to tell this to young people as it is something that would be harmful if incorrectly understood.

People with intelligence will use it to fashion things both true and false and will try to push through whatever they want with their clever reasoning. This is injury from intelligence . Nothing you do will have effect if you do not use truth.

In affairs like law suits or even in arguments, by losing quickly one will lose in fine fashion. It is like sumo [wrestling]. If one thinks only of winning, a sordid victory will be worse than a defeat. For the most part, it becomes a squalid defeat.

A person who knows but a little will put on an air of knowledpe. This is a matter of inexperience. When someone knows something well, it will not be seen in his manner. This person is genteel.

When going someplace for a talk or something similar, it is best to let the person know ahead of time, and then go. To go without knowing whether the other party is busy, or when he has some particular anxiety, is awkward. There is nothing that surpasses not going where you have not been invited. Good friends are rare. Even if someone is invited somewhere, he should use understanding. It is difficult to feel deeply the sensitivities of people other than those who go out only rarely. Fiascos at pleasure gatherings are numerous .

However, you should not be brusque towards a person who has come to visit, even if you are busy.

It is bad to carry even a good thing too far. Even concerning things such as Buddhism, Buddhist sermons, and moral lessons, talking too much will bring harm.

When Lord Naoshige was speaking to his grandson, Lord Motoshige, he said, "No matter whether one be of high or low rank, a family line is something that will decline when its time has come. If one tries to keep it from going to ruin at that time, it will have an unsightly finish. If one thinks that the time has come, it is best to let it go down with good grace. Doing so, he may even cause it to be maintained."


Al Farrow


he Who Once Was the Engineers Beautiful Wife:

Study no.4 for Icarus:



Sage Sohier

Mum in her bathtub:


Fernando Pessoa

Antes o voo da ave, que passa e não deixa rasto,
que a passagem do animal, que fica lembrada no chão.
A ave passa e esquece, e assim deve ser.
O animal, onde já não está e por isso de nada serve,
mostra que já esteve, o que não serve para nada.

A recordação é uma traição à Natureza,
porque a Natureza de ontem não é Natureza.
O que foi não é nada, e lembrar é não ver.

Passa, ave, passa, e ensina-me a passar!

Alberto Caeiro


"Sê plural como o universo!"


"Quanto mais desço em mim, mais subo em Deus."


"Pedras no caminho? Guardo-as todas: um dia vou construir um castelo..."


Quer pouco, terás tudo.
Quer nada: serás livre.
O mesmo amor que tenham
Por nós, quer-nos, oprime-nos.


Nunca a alheia vontade, inda que grata,
Cumpras por própria. Manda no que fazes,
Nem de ti mesmo servo.
Ninguém te dá quem és. Nada te mude.
Teu íntimo destino involuntário
Cumpre alto. Sê teu filho.



Nasce um deus. Outros morrem. A Verdade
Nem veio nem se foi: o Erro mudou.
Temos agora uma outra Eternidade,
E era sempre melhor o que passou.

Cega, a Ciência a inútil gleba lavra.
Louca, a Fé vive o sonho do seu culto.
Um novo deus é só uma palavra.
Não procures nem creias: tudo é oculto.


Há metafísica bastante em não pensar em nada.

O que penso eu do Mundo?
Sei lá o que penso do Mundo!
Se eu adoecesse pensaria nisso.

Que ideia tenho eu das coisas?
Que opinião tenho sobre as causas e os efeitos?
Que tenho eu meditado sobre Deus e a alma
E sobre a criação do Mundo?
Não sei. Para mim pensar nisso é fechar os olhos
E não pensar. É correr as cortinas
Da minha janela (mas ela não tem cortinas).

O mistério das coisas? Sei lá o que é mistério!
O único mistério é haver quem pense no mistério.
Quem está ao sol e fecha os olhos,
Começa a não saber o que é o Sol
E a pensar muitas coisas cheias de calor.
Mas abre os olhos e vê o Sol,
E já não pode pensar em nada,
Porque a luz do Sol vale mais que os pensamentos
De todos os filósofos e de todos os poetas.
A luz do Sol não sabe o que faz
E por isso não erra e é comum e boa.

Metafísica? Que metafísica têm aquelas árvores
A de serem verdes e copadas e de terem ramos
E a de dar fruto na sua hora, o que não nos faz pensar,
A nós, que não sabemos dar por elas.
Mas que melhor metafísica que a delas,
Que é a de não saber para que vivem
Nem saber que o não sabem?

«Constituição íntima das coisas»...
«Sentido íntimo do Universo»...
Tudo isto é falso, tudo isto não quer dizer nada.
É incrível que se possa pensar em coisas dessas.
É como pensar em razões e fins
Quando o começo da manhã está raiando, e pelos lados das árvores
Um vago ouro lustroso vai perdendo a escuridão.

Pensar no sentido íntimo das coisas
É acrescentado, como pensar na saúde
Ou levar um copo à água das fontes.

O único sentido íntimo das coisas
É elas não terem sentido íntimo nenhum.

Não acredito em Deus porque nunca o vi.
Se ele quisesse que eu acreditasse nele,
Sem dúvida que viria falar comigo
E entraria pela minha porta dentro
Dizendo-me, Aqui estou!

(Isto é talvez ridículo aos ouvidos
De quem, por não saber o que é olhar para as coisas,
Não compreende quem fala delas
Com o modo de falar que reparar para elas ensina.)

Mas se Deus é as flores e as árvores
E os montes e sol e o luar,
Então acredito nele,
Então acredito nele a toda a hora,
E a minha vida é toda uma oração e uma missa,
E uma comunhão com os olhos e pelos ouvidos.

Mas se Deus é as árvores e as flores
E os montes e o luar e o sol,
Para que lhe chamo eu Deus?
Chamo-lhe flores e árvores e montes e sol e luar;
Porque, se ele se fez, para eu o ver,
Sol e luar e flores e árvores e montes,
Se ele me aparece como sendo árvores e montes
E luar e sol e flores,
É que ele quer que eu o conheça
Como árvores e montes e flores e luar e sol.

E por isso eu obedeço-lhe,
(Que mais sei eu de Deus que Deus de si próprio?),
Obedeço-lhe a viver, espontaneamente,
Como quem abre os olhos e vê,
E chamo-lhe luar e sol e flores e árvores e montes,
E amo-o sem pensar nele,
E penso-o vendo e ouvindo,
E ando com ele a toda a hora.

Alberto Caeiro, O Guardador de Rebanhos


Para compreender, destruí-me. Compreender é esquecer de amar. Nada conheço mais ao mesmo tempo falso e signifcativo que aquele dito de Leonardo Da Vinci de que se não pode amar ou odiar uma coisa senão depois de compreendê-la.

A solidão desola-me; a companhia oprime-me. A presença de outra pessoa descaminha-me os pensamentos; sonho a sua presença com uma distracção especial, que toda a minha atenção analítica não consegue definir.

Bernardo Soares, Livro do Desassossego







Marcelo Caetano

"(...) não sou mais religioso, porque não presto culto a Deus, a quem não nego, apenas considero a criação e conservação do mundo um grande e prodigioso mistério insusceptível de ser penetrado pela inteligência humana, capaz apenas de procurar hipóteses explicativas, das quais a existência de Deus é uma."

"Não creio em Deus nem na Sua existência: reconheço que há um domínio que não consigo penetrar e paro à porta dele por respeito."

John Karel


Martina Johnson-Allen




o great spirit,


Alex Mcleod


Emperors' Helmets


Duchamp's Étant Donnés





Maria Martins

À Procura da Luz:

Impossible III:

Images start on page 14:




C-130 Launching all flares and chaff

"A C-130 launching all flares and chaff. Some say the smoke left behind looks like an angel...."


"I become a waterwheel, turning and tasting you, as long as water moves."

"This is how I would die into the love I have for you. As pieces of cloud dissolve into the sunlight."

"Being is not what it seems. Nor non-being. The world's existence is not in the world."

"Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel the artistry moving through, and be silent."

"Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you."

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love."

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep."

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there."

"When I am with you, we stay up all night.
When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.
Praise God for those two insomnias!
And the difference between them."

"Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart."

"This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet."

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."

"Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form."

"It may be that the satisfaction I need depends on my going away, so that when I've gone and come back, I'll find it at home."

"Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah... it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you."

"There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."

~ ~ ~

The Mystery of Presence

The mystery of presence
will not arrive through the mind,
but do some physical work, and it comes clear.

An intellectual gets bound and wrapped
in complicated nets of connectedness.
Whereas the Friend rides the intelligence
that is creating genius at the center.

The mind is husk, and the appetites love coverings.
They look for them everywhere.
That which loves the kernel and the oil
inside the nut has no interest in shells.

Mind carries reams of reasons into court,
but universal awareness does not move a step
without some definite intuition.
One covers volumes of pages.
The other fills the horizon with light and color.

The value of scrip resides in gold
stored somewhere else. The value of a body
stems from the soul. The value of soul
derives from presence. Soul cannot live
without a connection there.

~ ~ ~

Let go of your worries
and be completely clear-hearted,
like the face of a mirror
that contains no images.

If you want a clear mirror,
behold yourself
and see the shameless truth,
which the mirror reflects.

If metal can be polished
to a mirror-like finish,
what polishing might the mirror
of the heart require?

Between the mirror and the heart
is this single difference:
the heart conceals secrets,
while the mirror does not.

(thank you, Che)



Tummo is a practice associated with the subtle body of energy-channels, energy-winds and energy-drops. The practices are taught in a suite of advanced sadhana, such as the Six yogas of Naropa, which are contemplative practices, spiritual energetic work or meditations in the Himalayan traditions of Vajrayana and Bön. This discipline is key to a suite of advanced sadhana or spiritual disciplines in Tibetan Buddhism. Himalayan disciplines like Yantra Yoga work with this "inner heat": where yantra is the synonym for asana .

In common currency Tummo is related to the description of intense sensations of body heat, that are held to be a partial effect of the practice of Tummo-meditation. Tummo is taught as one part of the six yogas of Naropa. Stories and eyewitness accounts abound of yogi practitioners being able to generate sufficient heat to dry wet sheets draped around their naked bodies while sitting outside in the freezing cold, not just once, but multiple times. These observations have also been discussed in medical articles (Ding-E Young and Taylor, 1998).



The meditation for producing psychic heat provides a factual basis for the somewhat melodramatic stories of Tibetan monks who, on an icy cold night, dry out a series of wet sheets wrapped around their unclad bodies. It can be done, by any ordinary human being--with proper instruction and practice--and so, as with other physical exploits such as "fire-walking," represents nothing particularly magical or mysterious. The secrets here are matters of mastering specific meditation techniques, and applying them with a focussed mindfulness. This is not at all to disparage such accomplishments, for among practicing lamas and members of the spiritual community, or sangha, the psychic heat meditation, or gTummo, is believed to establish the essential foundation for opening oneself up and becoming able to absorb the higher teachings of all six Yogas of Naropa.


Daniel G. Baird



Petra Cortright


Lev Manovich

Michelle Henning reminds us, however that interactivity has its darker side. She cites Lev Manovich’s concern that computer technology plays into a "modern desire to externalize the mind."

Computer interactivity maps our own thought processes onto those already written into the software. It models certain ways of thinking, or certain ways of understanding our own cognitive practices: to click is to make a choice, to follow a link, to associate one event of piece of information with another. This process of the “externalization” of the mind closes the gap between subjective mental processes and objective, machinic processes. In this sense, like Taylorism, it hooks people and bodies up to machines, making people “thinglike.” This argument would suggest that interactivity, which seemed initially to promise agency over “numbed passivity,” actually does the opposite, increasing alienation.[40]







Oliver Laric



Aleksandra Domanovic


Zastava 101 - reklama





Agathe Snow

Pearl River:
Remarks: This next chance creation is named Pearl River, found at Level 4. It somehow retained its innocence, like a souvenir. I like pale hues. It's very feminine. It says I am here for lack of a better idea;
too elusive to be a movement but a moment, definitely. A moment can give meaning to a life, to a lie. We see her take back the ownership of her body image, hard work, determination and a killer body. You can
only sabotage your feminist ethics for so long. Well, Hello officer, how can I help you today? You're looking for genuine love. Sorry no I haven't seen any lately. But do come back at some other time, you might get lucky. When the world as you know it is over and you happened to be one of the sole survivors isn't it so nice to talk shit about somebody else…



Paul McCarthy

Mechanical Pig:




Royale de Luxe


"... the work I am referring to was ‘only’ an ephemeral performance by a French company who is called Royale de Luxe. They produce the best piece of street theatre I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing: The Sultan’s Elephant. Its performance cost the Antwerp municipality 800,000 euros but the majority of it went to the actual performance (which lasted three days and were extravagant and deeply moving), not just a concept. I saw grown men and women weep with joy and awe. Watch it here if they did not come to your town last summer." -- jahsonic

Videos here, here, here, and here.




Bill Hicks

"The world is like a ride at an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, 'Hey – don't worry, don't be afraid ever, because this is just a ride ...' And we ... kill those people. Ha ha, 'Shut him up. We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real.' It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because – it's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money. A choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace."

"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration — that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death; life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... Here's Tom with the weather"



Eugénio de Andrade

Procura a maravilha.

Onde um beijo sabe
a barcos e bruma.

No brilho redondo
e jovem dos joelhos.

Na noite inclinada
de melancolia.


Procura a maravilha

Eugénio de Andrade (courtesy of Emília)

Robert Happé




Fall of Saigon


"... references the horrifying events that occurred on April 30th 1975 (the day Saigon fell) as hundreds of thousands of people tried to flee Saigon from the encroaching North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong. The mass exodus was a “Pishkun” a term used to describe the way in which the Blackfoot American Indians would drive roaming buffalo off cliffs in what is known as a buffalo jump.

In a panicking frenzy hundreds of U.S. built helicopters escaped towards waiting U.S. aircraft carriers in the South China Sea. Many never found the aircraft carriers crashing into the sea as they ran out of fuel. Some helicopters reached the carriers but soon the number of helicopters far exceeded the capacity of the carriers leaving hundreds stranded hovering in the air. The decision was made to drive off hundreds of helicopters and they were pushed into the South China Sea to make room for others to land. Shocking news footages of this event show these powerful machines that had rained terror over Vietnam for so long in their struggling, dying, and sinking demise."


Dinh Q. Lê







Buffalo Jump



Jesus in India








Jesus in Kashmir:

The Lost Years of Jesus:

An alternative view, Jesus taught by Buddhist teachers:
"Elmar R. Gruber, a psychologist, and Holger Kersten, a specialist in religious history argue that Buddhism had a substantial influence on the life and teachings of Jesus.[21] Gruber and Kersten claim that Jesus was brought up by the Therapeutae, teachers of the Buddhist Theravada school then living in the Bible lands. They assert that Jesus lived the life of a Buddhist and taught Buddhist ideals to his disciples; their work follows in the footsteps of the Oxford New Testament scholar Barnett Hillman Streeter, who established as early as the 1930s that the moral teaching of the Buddha has four remarkable resemblances to the Sermon on the Mount."[22]"

Agostinho da Silva

"Estou a exigir muito de si? Quem lhe há-de exigir muito senão os seus amigos? Eles receberam o encargo de não o deixar amolecer e, pela minha parte, tenha você a certeza de que hei-de cumprir. Você há-de dar tudo o que poder, e mesmo, e sobretudo o que não poder; porque só há homem, quando se faz o impossível; o possível todos os bichos fazem. Quando você saltar e saltar bem, eu direi sempre: mais alto! Que me importa a mim que você caia. Os fracos vieram só para cair, mas os fortes vieram para esse tremendo exercício: cair e levantar-se; sorrindo!" -- Agostinho da Silva, Sete cartas a um jovem filósofo, 1945


a) "... that each man is different from myself and unique in the universe; that I am not the one, consequently, that must reflect instead of him, [...] that knows what is best for him, [...] that must point his way. Towards him I have only one right: helping him to be himself; as my essential duty to myself is being who I am, as uncomfortable as that may be [...]"

b) "... loving others and wanting their good has been the reason of much oppression and much death [...]; essentially, you must not love in others anything but freedom, theirs and yours. They must, for love, cease being slaves, as must we, for love, cease being slave owners."

c) "And it is the child the one that must be considered the noble savage, spoiling her, mis-shaping her [...] the least we possibly can [...]"

d) "Believing, thus, that man is born good, which means on my regard that he is born a brother to the world, not its owner and destroyer, I think that education [...] has not been much else than the system through which this fraternity is transformed in domination."







Love and do what you will

"Love and do what you will." - "Dilige et quod vis fac." -- St. Augustine


John Eccles

"...World 1 is the world of physical objects and states. It comprises the whole cosmos of matter and energy, all of biology including human brains, and all artifacts that man has made for coding information, as for example, the paper and ink of books or the material base of works of art. World 1 is the total world of the materialists. They recognize nothing else. All else is fantasy.

"World 2 is the world of states of consciousness and subjective knowledge of all kinds. The totality of our perceptions comes in this world. But there are several levels. In agreement with Polten, I tend to recognize three kinds of levels of World 2, as indicated in Fig. 6-2, but it may be more correct to think of it as a spectrum.

"The first level (outer sense) would be the ordinary perceptions provided by all our sense organs, hearing and touch and sight and smell and pain. All of these perceptions are in World 2, of course: vision with light and colour; sound with music and harmony; touch with all its qualities and vibration; the range of odours and tastes, and so on. These qualities do not exist in World 1, where correspondingly there are but electromagnetic waves, pressure waves in the atmosphere, material objects, and chemical substances.

"In addition there is a level of inner sense, which is the world of more subtle perceptions. It is the world of your emotions, of your feelings of joy and sadness and fear and anger and so on. It includes all your memory, and all your imaginings and planning into the future. In fact there is a whole range of levels which could be described at length. All the subtle experiences of the human person are in this inner sensory world. It is all private to you but you can reveal it in linguistic expression, and by gestures of all levels of subtlety.

"Finally, at the core of World 2 there is the self or pure ego, which is the basis of our unity as an experiencing being throughout our whole lifetime.

"This World 2 is our primary reality. Our conscious experiences are the basis of our knowledge of World 1, which is thus a world of secondary reality, a derivative world. Whenever I am doing a scientific experiment, for example, I have to plan it cognitively, all in my thoughts, and then consciously carry out my plan of action in the experiment. Finally I have to look at the results and evaluate them in thought. For example, I have to see the traces of the oscilloscope and their photographic records or hear the signals on the loudspeaker. The various signals from the recording equipment have to be received by my sense organs, transmitted to my brain, and so to my consciousness, then appropriately measured and compared before I can begin to think about the significance of the experimental results. We are all the time, in every action we do, incessantly playing backwards and forwards between World 1 and World 2.

"And what is World 3? As shown in Fig. 6-1 it is the whole world of culture. It is the world that was created by man and that reciprocally made man. This is my message in which I follow Popper unreservedly. The whole of language is here. All our means of communication, all our intellectual efforts coded in books, coded in the artistic and technological treasures in the museums, coded in every artifact left by man from primitive times--this is World 3 right up to the present time. It is the world of civilization and culture. Education is the means whereby each human being is brought into relation with World 3. In this manner he becomes immersed in it throughout life, participating in the heritage of mankind and so becoming fully human. World 3 is the world that uniquely relates to man. It is the world which is completely unknown to animals. They are blind to all of World 3. I say that without any reservations.


With and Without Flash


Heitor Villa-Lobos



Technology Impact on Humans

As we use what the sociologist Daniel Bell has called our “intellectual technologies” — the tools that extend our mental rather than our physical capacities — we inevitably begin to take on the qualities of those technologies. The mechanical clock, which came into common use in the 14th century, provides a compelling example. In Technics and Civilization, the historian and cultural critic Lewis Mumford described how the clock “disassociated time from human events and helped create the belief in an independent world of mathematically measurable sequences.” The “abstract framework of divided time” became “the point of reference for both action and thought.”

The clock’s methodical ticking helped bring into being the scientific mind and the scientific man. But it also took something away. As the late MIT computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum observed in his 1976 book, Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calculation, the conception of the world that emerged from the widespread use of timekeeping instruments “remains an impoverished version of the older one, for it rests on a rejection of those direct experiences that formed the basis for, and indeed constituted, the old reality.” In deciding when to eat, to work, to sleep, to rise, we stopped listening to our senses and started obeying the clock.

The process of adapting to new intellectual technologies is reflected in the changing metaphors we use to explain ourselves to ourselves. When the mechanical clock arrived, people began thinking of their brains as operating “like clockwork.” Today, in the age of software, we have come to think of them as operating “like computers.” But the changes, neuroscience tells us, go much deeper than metaphor. Thanks to our brain’s plasticity, the adaptation occurs also at a biological level.


By breaking down every job into a sequence of small, discrete steps and then testing different ways of performing each one, Taylor created a set of precise instructions—an “algorithm,” we might say today—for how each worker should work. Midvale’s employees grumbled about the strict new regime, claiming that it turned them into little more than automatons, but the factory’s productivity soared.

More than a hundred years after the invention of the steam engine, the Industrial Revolution had at last found its philosophy and its philosopher. Taylor’s tight industrial choreography—his “system,” as he liked to call it—was embraced by manufacturers throughout the country and, in time, around the world. Seeking maximum speed, maximum efficiency, and maximum output, factory owners used time-and-motion studies to organize their work and configure the jobs of their workers. The goal, as Taylor defined it in his celebrated 1911 treatise, The Principles of Scientific Management, was to identify and adopt, for every job, the “one best method” of work and thereby to effect “the gradual substitution of science for rule of thumb throughout the mechanic arts.” Once his system was applied to all acts of manual labor, Taylor assured his followers, it would bring about a restructuring not only of industry but of society, creating a utopia of perfect efficiency. “In the past the man has been first,” he declared; “in the future the system must be first.”

Taylor’s system is still very much with us; it remains the ethic of industrial manufacturing. And now, thanks to the growing power that computer engineers and software coders wield over our intellectual lives, Taylor’s ethic is beginning to govern the realm of the mind as well. The Internet is a machine designed for the efficient and automated collection, transmission, and manipulation of information, and its legions of programmers are intent on finding the “one best method”—the perfect algorithm—to carry out every mental movement of what we’ve come to describe as “knowledge work.”


The idea that our minds should operate as high-speed data-processing machines is not only built into the workings of the Internet, it is the network’s reigning business model as well. The faster we surf across the Web—the more links we click and pages we view—the more opportunities Google and other companies gain to collect information about us and to feed us advertisements. Most of the proprietors of the commercial Internet have a financial stake in collecting the crumbs of data we leave behind as we flit from link to link—the more crumbs, the better. The last thing these companies want is to encourage leisurely reading or slow, concentrated thought. It’s in their economic interest to drive us to distraction.


Quotes from "A People's History of the United States"

"Arawak men and women, naked, tawny, and full of wonder, emerged from their villages onto the island’s beaches and swam out to get a closer look at the strange big beat…the Arawaks ran to greet them, brought them food, water, gifts."
"With fifty men we could subjugate them all"
- Christopher Columbus

"When you ask for something they have, they never say no. To the contrary, they offer to share with anyone..."
- Christopher Columbus

"Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that can be sold."
- Christopher Columbus


I remove myself and my own from the cycle of death

"To the Editor: Thirty-six years ago I stood in front of the crematorium. The ugliest force in the world had promised itself that I should be removed from the cycle of life – that I should never know the pleasure of giving life. With great guns and great hatred, this force thought itself the equal of the force of life. I survived the great guns, and with every smile of my son, they grow smaller. It is not for me, sir, to offer my son’s blood as lubricant for the next generation of guns. I remove myself and my own from the cycle of death."
- Isabella Leitner, letter to NYT



A professor of philosophy, he travelled throughout India in the 1960s as a public speaker, raising controversy by speaking against socialism, Mahatma Gandhi, and institutionalised religion. He advocated a more open attitude towards sexuality, a stance that earned him the sobriquet "sex guru" in the Indian and later the international press.[1] In 1970, he settled for a while in Mumbai. He began initiating disciples (known as neo-sannyasins) and took on the role of a spiritual teacher. In his discourses, he reinterpreted writings of religious traditions, mystics and philosophers from around the world. Moving to Pune in 1974, he established an ashram that attracted increasing numbers of Westerners. The ashram offered therapies derived from the Human Potential Movement to its Western audience and made news in India and abroad, chiefly because of its permissive climate and Osho's provocative lectures. By the end of the 1970s, there were mounting tensions with the Indian government and the surrounding society.

In 1981, Osho relocated to the United States, and his followers established an intentional community, later known as Rajneeshpuram, in the state of Oregon. Within a year, the leadership of the commune became embroiled in a conflict with local residents, primarily over land use, which was marked by bitter hostility on both sides. In this period Osho attracted notoriety for his large collection of Rolls-Royce motorcars. The Oregon commune collapsed in 1985, when Osho revealed that the commune leadership had committed a number of serious crimes, including a bioterror attack on the citizens of The Dalles. Shortly after, Osho was arrested and charged with immigration violations. He was deported from the United States in accordance with a plea bargain.[2][3][4] Following an enforced world tour during which twenty-one countries denied him entry, Osho returned to Pune, where he died in 1990. His ashram is today known as the Osho International Meditation Resort.

Osho's syncretic teachings emphasise the importance of meditation, awareness, love, celebration, creativity and humour – qualities that he viewed as being suppressed by adherence to static belief systems, religious tradition and socialisation. His teachings have had a notable impact on Western New Age thought,[5][6] and their popularity has increased markedly since his death.[7][8]

Ego and the mind

Osho's view is of man as a machine that is limited to acting out of unconscious, neurotic patterns, and reflects the viewpoint of Gurdjieff and Freud.[154][155] His vision of the "new man" who transcends the constraints of convention is reminiscent of Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil.[156] His views on sexual liberation bear comparison to the thought of D. H. Lawrence.[157] And while his contemporary Jiddu Krishnamurti did not approve of Osho, there are clear similarities between their respective teachings.[154]

Osho taught that every human being is a potential Buddha, with the capacity for enlightenment.[158][159] He believed that everyone is capable of experiencing unconditional love; and in so doing, responding rather than reacting to life: "You are truth. You are love. You are bliss. You are freedom.".[158] He suggested that it is possible to experience innate divinity and to be conscious of one's true identity, even though the ego usually prevents this from happening: "When the ego is gone, the whole individuality arises in its crystal purity.".[158]

The ego, according to Osho, represents the social conditioning and constraints a person has accumulated since birth, creating false needs that are in conflict with one's true self.[160] "The whole of religion is nothing but that: dropping the ego, disappearing as your own master ... Then life becomes such a grace; because all tension arises out of ego ... all anxiety, anguish, despair, frustration. All illness of the mind is because we have taken this wrong attitude ... Dissolve yourself as a separate entity. Become part of the cosmic whole."[160] Osho believed that the ego stands in the way of self-discovery.[158][160]

Osho viewed the mind primarily as a mechanism for survival, replicating behavioural strategies that have proved successful in the past.[158][160] However, he felt that the mind's appeal to the past deprived people of the ability to live authentically in the present.[158][160] As a result, individuals continually repressed their genuine emotions, shutting themselves off from joyful experiences that arise naturally when embracing the present moment.[160][161] The result, he stated, was that people poison themselves with all manner of neuroses, jealousies and insecurities.[162]

In the case of sexual feelings, Osho believed that repression only makes these feelings re-emerge in another guise, and that the final result was a society that was obsessed with sex.[162] Instead of suppressing, Osho argued, people should trust and accept themselves unconditionally. "We have been repressing anger, greed, sex [...] And that's why every human being is stinking. [...] Let it become manure, [...] and you will have great flowers blossoming in you."[160][161] This unconditional acceptance was not a matter to be understood intellectually, he said, as the mind would only assimilate it as another piece of information; instead, he suggested meditation as a practical solution.[162]


According to Osho, meditation is not just a practice, but a state of awareness that can be maintained in every moment.[160][162] He taught that this total awareness awakens an individual from sleep and mechanical responses to stimuli, conditioned by beliefs and expectations.[160] Osho employed Western psychotherapy as a means of preparing for meditation, and also introduced his own meditation techniques, which he referred to as "Active Meditations".[163][164] These meditation techniques are characterised by alternating stages of physical activity and silence.[163] In all, he suggested over a hundred meditation techniques.[163][164]

The most famous of these is his first, referred to as OSHO Dynamic Meditation.[163][164] It comprises five stages that are accompanied by music (except for stage 4).[165] In the first, the person engages in ten minutes of rapid breathing through the nose.[165] The second ten minutes are for catharsis: "[L]et whatever is happening happen. ... Laugh, shout, scream, jump, shake – whatever you feel to do, do it!"[163][165] For the next ten minutes, the person jumps up and down with their arms raised, shouting Hoo! each time they land on the flats of their feet.[165][166] In the fourth, silent stage, the person freezes, remaining completely motionless for fifteen minutes, and witnessing everything that is happening to them.[165][166] The last stage of the meditation consists of fifteen minutes of dancing and celebration.[165][166]

There are other "active meditation" techniques, like "OSHO Kundalini Meditation" and "OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation", which are less animated, although they also include physical activity.[163] His final formal technique is called "OSHO Mystic Rose", comprising three hours of laughing every day for the first week, three hours of weeping each day for the second, with the third week for silent meditation.[167] The result of these processes is said to be the experience of "witnessing", enabling the "jump into awareness".[163] Osho believed such cathartic methods were necessary, since it was very difficult for people of today to just sit and be in meditation.

Another key ingredient of his teaching is his own presence as a master: "A Master shares his being with you, not his philosophy. ... He never does anything to the disciple."[152] He delighted in being paradoxical and engaging in behaviour that seemed entirely at odds with traditional images of enlightened individuals.[152] All such behaviour, however capricious and difficult to accept, was explained as "a technique for transformation" to push people "beyond the mind."[152] The initiation he offered his followers was another such device: "... if your being can communicate with me, it becomes a communion. ... It is the highest form of communication possible: a transmission without words. Our beings merge. This is possible only if you become a disciple."[152] Ultimately though, Osho even deconstructed his own authority.[168] He emphasised that anything and everything could become an opportunity for meditation.[152]

Renunciation and the "New Man"

Osho saw his neo-sannyas as a new form of spiritual discipline, or one that had once existed but since been forgotten.[169] He felt that the traditional Hindu sannyas had turned into a mere system of social renunciation and imitation.[169] His neo-sannyas emphasised complete inner freedom and responsibility of the individual to himself, demanding no superficial behavioral changes but a deeper, inner transformation.[169]

Osho hoped to create what he called "a new man", combining the spirituality of Gautama Buddha with the zest for life embodied by Zorba the Greek (from the novel by Nikos Kazantzakis).[152] It was Osho's view that "Zorba the Buddha" should reject neither science nor spirituality, but embrace them both.[152] It was his intention that the "new man" should be "all for matter, and all for spirit."[170]
“He should be as accurate and objective as a scientist [...] as sensitive, as full of heart, as a poet [...] [and as] rooted deep down in his being as the mystic.[152][171]”

His term the "new man" applied to men and women equally, whose roles he saw as complementary; most of his movement's leadership positions were held by women.[151] He said that the "new man" would no longer be trapped in institutions such as family, marriage, political ideologies, or religions.[151][153] In this respect, Osho has much in common with other counter-culture gurus, as well as postmodern and deconstructional thinkers.[153]

Osho said that he was "the rich man's guru" and taught that material poverty was not a genuine spiritual value.[172] He had himself photographed wearing sumptuous clothing and hand-made watches,[173] and while in Oregon drove a different Rolls-Royce each day.[90] His followers had reportedly wanted to buy him 365 of them, one for each day of the year.[90] Publicity shots of the Rolls-Royces (93 in the end) were sent to the press.[172][174] As a conscious display of wealth, they reflected both Osho's acceptance of the material world and his desire to provoke American sensibilities, much as he had enjoyed offending Indian sensibilities earlier.[170][172]

Osho's "Ten Commandments"

In 1970, when he was still known as Acharya Rajneesh, Osho was asked about his "Ten Commandments".[175][176] In his letter of reply, Osho noted that it was a difficult matter, because he was against any kind of commandment, but "just for fun" agreed to set out the following:[175]

1. Never obey anyone's command unless it is coming from within you also.
2. There is no God other than life itself.
3. Truth is within you, do not search for it elsewhere.
4. Love is prayer.
5. To become a nothingness is the door to truth. Nothingness itself is the means, the goal and attainment.
6. Life is now and here.
7. Live wakefully.
8. Do not swim – float.
9. Die each moment so that you can be new each moment.
10. Do not search. That which is, is. Stop and see.

He underlined numbers 3, 7, 9 and 10.[175] The ideas expressed in these Commandments have remained a constant leitmotif in his movement.[175]





Meditations for Contemporary People:

Marriage and Children:

Osho - Bhagwan, The Movie:

"There are two types of love. One is the love that happens when you are feeling lonely: as a need, you go to the other. The other love arises when you are not feeling lonely, but alone. In the first case you go to get something; in the second case you go to give something. A giver is an emperor."

"Hindus say, Anam Brahma, food is divine, a gift from God. With deep respect you eat, and while eating you forget everything else, because eating is prayer. It is existential prayer. You are eating God, and God is going to give you nourishment. It is a gift to be accepted with deep love and gratitude."